runel Occupational Health & Safety Services

Travel Health

If staff are required to travel overseas, they should be fully informed about the health risks that they may face. Brunel can provide a comprehensive travel advice service enabling travellers to avoid health risks and diseases whilst overseas. Our Travel Clinic service includes:  

  • Medical History Review and Risk Assessment
  • Up-to-the-minute health and safety information on destinations around the world
  • Health Counselling and literatures offering personal advice
  • Necessary immunisations
  • Anti-malaria
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis risk assessment
  • Travel Packs

Our travel health adviser can visit the workplace to administer the vaccines thus avoiding the need for staff to leave the workplace to receive vaccinations. A full Risk Assessment is undertaken before vaccines are administered; advice will be given about disease prevention and schedules will be clearly explained to the employee. A reminder will be generated either by letter or email to ensure staff attend for the full course and any necessary boosters. Employers can be informed of any staff member who does not receive the vaccines needed to be safe from infection at whilst working abroad.